作者:Matthew Perry
Love and courage, man—the two most important things. I don’t move forward with fear anymore—I move forward with curiosity.
2022-11-29 11:18
If you spend too much time looking in the rear view mirror, you will crash your car.
2022-11-29 11:06
My life is no longer on fire, though. Dare I say it throughout all this turmoil. I have grown up. I am more real, more genuine. I don’t need to leave the people in a room screaming in laughter. I just need to stand up straight and leave the room.
And hopefully not walk directly into the closet.
P229 / 2022-11-29 09:17
I can’t be useful in a relationship because I’m both trying to hang on and in so much fear that I’ll be left. And that fear is not even real, because in my fifty-three years, and with all the wonderful girlfriends I’ve had, I’ve only been left once, many years back.
P223 / 2022-11-29 09:05
if you’re going to blame your parents for the bad stuff, you also have to give them credit for the good stuff. All the good stuff.
P214 / 2022-11-27 21:38
I needed to move on, and up, and realize that there was a whole big world out there and it was not out to get me. In fact, it had no opinion about me. It just was, like the animals and the shiv-sharp air; the universe was neutral, and beautiful, and continued with or without me.
Perhaps this was the lesson the universe was sending. I didn’t matter, not in any great cosmic sense. I was just one more human being
spinning in infinite circles.
P185 / 2022-11-27 18:23
Alcoholics hate two things: the way things are and change.
P168 / 2022-11-27 12:45
did I do differently that season? I listened. I didn’t just stand there and wait for my turn to speak. Sometimes in acting, it’s more powerful to listen than to talk. I have tried to incorporate that in real life, too. Know more, say less. That’s my new mantra.
P142 / 2022-11-26 13:03
Throughout the making of the movie, I had been going through the script and pitching jokes to Andy Tennant, who was a very smart and incredibly nice guy. He sat on me — I was bouncing around doing my funny little things, and he would take me aside and say, “You don’t have to do that. You’re interesting enough to watch without doing that.”
That line of thinking allowed him to pull out of me one of the best performances of my career. Could this be a different way of saying Matty, you’re enough, the words I’ve been longing to hear my entire life?
P114 / 2022-11-23 18:52
I believe you have to have all of your dreams come true to realize they are the wrong dreams.
P104 / 2022-11-21 18:39


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