“People can improve their incomes dramatically, but it’s rare for a person to move more than one or two rungs in a lifetime.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 09:10AM
“What defines the Labor ladder is that the work is seen as a commodity, and that there’s rarely a focus on long-term career management. People are assessed based on how hard they work because, in this world, the way to become richer is to work more (not necessarily more efficiently or “smarter”).”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 09:24AM
“Labor aspires to occupational success and organizational leadership, while the Gentry aspires to education and cultural leadership.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 09:32AM
“Labor provides the work and values effort and loyalty. The Gentry provides culture and it values education and creativity. The Elite owns things and values control and establishment.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 09:45AM
“They serve the rich, and the rich have to keep finding them useful for them to maintain their place. It’s not an enviable place to be, because the social expectations associated with maintaining E3 status require high spending, and even the extremely well-compensated ($1 million per year and up) E3′s rarely have the savings to survive more than a year or two without a job, because of the need to maintain connections.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 09:51AM
“G2′s tend to have the best (or at least most robust) taste, because they don’t fall into G1 self-referentiality, but can be just as snooty and cliquish. As “pro-Gentry” as I may seem, it’s a massive simplification to treat that set as entirely virtuous.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:02AM
“E1 is pretty much objectively evil, without exceptions.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:02AM
“for the past 10,000 years the center of humanity’s top-of-the-top cluster has always been deep, featureless evil: people who burn peasants’ faces off because it amuses them.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:03AM
“the Labor, Gentry, and Elite “ladders” can more easily be described as “infrastructures”. For Labor, this infrastructure is largely physical and the relevant connection is knowing how to use that physical device or space, and getting people to trust a person to competently use (without owning, because that’s out of the question for most) these resources. For the Gentry, it’s an “invisible graph” of knowledge and education and “interestingness”, comprised largely of ideas. For the Elite, it’s a tight, exclusive network centered on social connections, power, and dominance.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:04AM
“The Gentry tends to be left-libertarian and values creativity, individual autonomy, and free expression. The Elite tends toward center-right authoritarianism and corporate conformity, and it views creativity as dangerous (except when applied to hiding financial risks or justifying illegal wars).”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:09AM
“The Gentry believes that it is the deserving elite and the face of the future, and that it can use culture to engineer a future in which its values are elite; while the upper tier of the Elite finds the Gentry pretentious, repugnant, self-indulgent, and subversive.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:09AM
“a conception of work as a theater for masculine dominance. This is something that the Elite and Labor both believe in– the visceral strength and importance of the alpha-male in high-stakes gambling settings such as most modern work– but that the Gentry would rather deny.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:10AM
“Be ethical, seek positive-sum outcomes, and win by being great rather than by harming, robbing, or intimidating others”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:18AM
“The first half of the American Era (1933 to 1973) utterly emasculated the Elite. Their rapacious greed and world-fucking parasitism was repaid with 90-percent tax rates, and they told to consider themselves lucky that it wasn’t full-on socialism (or a violent revolution in which they all died, Paris-1793-style)”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:19AM
“The Gentry has a strange, love-hate relationship with capitalism. Corporations are detested (even more than they deserve) by this class and most people in the Gentry want the U.S. to look more like Europe: universal healthcare, decent vacation allotments, and cheap, ecologically sound high-speed trains.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:23AM
“European social democracies have also managed to create hybrid systems that combine the safety and infrastructure of socialism with the innovation and individual liberty of capitalism: the best of both worlds.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:24AM
“the Elite has been pushing for is the worst of both worlds, at least for average people. The truth of corporate “capitalism” is that it provides the best of both systems (socialism and capitalism) for the Elite and the worst of both for everyone else.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:25AM
“The upper tier of society wants social stability for themselves (to stay in and keep others out) but they favor extreme economic variability (also known as “inequality”) because it gives them more opportunities to exploit their social status for economic gain”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:25AM
“Technology is great at helping us generate more resources and make more with what we have, and we have to accept that it will “unemploy” people on a regular basis, but the bounty should be distributed fairly, and not hogged by the fortunate while those it renders transiently jobless are allowed to fall into poverty.”
摘抄自: Michael O Church’s Theory of 3 Class Ladders in America (Archive) – Indie Personal Finance
May 31, 2022 at 10:40AM
“Capital has an advantage: it can wait, but workers have the humiliating daily need to beg a boss for money so they can eat and pay rent. Capital is the Blue team– the wealthy win, if nothing happens. Labor is inflexibly Red. If there is no demand for our work– if there is no factor within the universe that makes it acutely painful for someone to choose not to hire us– we starve.”
摘抄自: A Reply to Alex Danco: Revisiting MacLeod and the Three Ladders in the Wake of Trump
May 31, 2022 at 02:39PM
“Social class is the process by which society allocates opportunities based on heredity and early-life circumstances rather than true merit, and so by its construction it is unjust.”
摘抄自: A Reply to Alex Danco: Revisiting MacLeod and the Three Ladders in the Wake of Trump
May 31, 2022 at 02:41PM
“To say “I’m middle class” with glee is to take simultaneous pride in (a) being allocated better career options than other people for no good reason, (b) and, at the same time, not getting “too many” unfair advantages and therefore not deserving to feel bad about them.”
摘抄自: A Reply to Alex Danco: Revisiting MacLeod and the Three Ladders in the Wake of Trump
May 31, 2022 at 02:41PM
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