- - - - - 晚安哦
Instapaper Highlights 2022-06-10
"the impeccable logic of Kissinger faces only one obsta…
Instapaper Highlights 2022-06-09
"What looks like feminism in reality is womb patrol. It…
Instapaper Highlights 2022-06-08
"US military being the last institution in the US which…
Instapaper Highlights 2022-06-07
"The U.S. is famously non-agreement-capable (недоговоро…
Instapaper Highlights 2022-06-06
"a new kind of hybrid corporation, backed by the state …
Instapaper Highlights 2022-06-05
"察势者智,驭势者赢。" 摘抄自: 保持战略定力 办好自己的事 June 5, 2022 at 10:28PM…
Instapaper Highlights 2022-06-04
- - - - - 晚安哦
Instapaper Highlights 2022-06-03
Apollo 1 Monument Dedication The Apollo 1 monument at A…
Instapaper Highlights 2022-06-02
"while I don’t ascribe to literal religion, I fin…