作者:Mark Peaker
出版社:Unicorn Publishing Group
The ideology of a country seeking to impose its flawed values on another shall never succeed. Afghanistan is America’s failure and Hong Kong shall not follow the same path.
P210 / 2022-12-31 10:32
The silence of the Australian, British and American governments in failing to condemn this senseless act of violence further reflects the duplicity of their views that those who carry out acts of violence in the name of democracy are somehow above the law.
P206 / 2022-12-31 10:21
Chinese media censors but seldom makes false claims or sensationalises Western topics, but the same cannot be said ofWestern media and the spread of fake news, such as the blatant misreporting on Hong Kong.
P199 / 2022-12-31 10:17
Hong Kong is a peaceful city that enjoys all of the freedoms guaranteed under the Sino-British Joint Declaration that set out the terms of Hong Kong’s return to Chinese sovereignty. We need stronger enforcement of the laws that have kept this city non-violent and prosperous or we risk losing everything because an anti-establishment group of vocal protesters, who still have their underwear washed and ironed by their mothers, feel they are invincible.
P107 / 2022-12-29 09:13
To imagine that our colonnial past gives us a right to special treatment is folly.
P101 / 2022-12-29 09:07
Hong Kong requires corporate,social and political leaders, not procrastinators, to overcome the challenges we face and for our city to proudly take its place as “a city within China”.
P95 / 2022-12-29 09:02
It is indeed naive to suppose justice would be administered by the US, which is incapable of upholding international values, preferring to set its own rules and be answerable to no one.
P60 / 2022-12-28 16:29
America remains for now the world’s superpower, but plays its role like a child rattling his new toy.
P32 / 2022-12-16 13:53
Culture is more than a roof over reclaimed land. Culture is derived from the passion of the people as reflected in our music and art.
P30 / 2022-12-16 13:43
Thursday night’s election debate would have stirred many offices debates the next day on the subject of universal suffrage in Hong Kong. It certainly did in my office, where my colleague asked why Hong Kong, given its “immense size”, should not have this right?
I am not convinced that Hong Kong,which benefits enormously from its unique role within China, is correct to pursue this course. Hong Kong must remember that it is acity within China and, to correct my colleague’s point of view, not even a large city.
P18 / 2022-12-16 13:25


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