“It is clear that Poland strongly intends to move its most combat-capable forces (approximately one division) into northwest Ukraine. For Polish interests specifically, this would be an imperial move to restore Poland’s historical dominance over western Ukraine, pure opportunism, nothing about saving the Ukraine.”
摘抄自: Military Developments Over the Weekend
May 10, 2022 at 09:51AM
摘抄自: Military Developments Over the Weekend
May 10, 2022 at 09:51AM
“Europe’s security, now as in the past, can only be achieved with Russia’s co-operation.”
摘抄自: Senior Colonel Zhou Bo says the war in Ukraine will accelerate the geopolitical shift from West to East
May 10, 2022 at 03:03PM
摘抄自: Senior Colonel Zhou Bo says the war in Ukraine will accelerate the geopolitical shift from West to East
May 10, 2022 at 03:03PM
“One reason behind the Sino-Russian non-alliance is that it allows a comfortable flexibility between two partners. And in spite of the fact that China and Russia both call for a multipolar world, a non-alliance suits them because they see such a world differently. Mr Putin’s Russia is nostalgic for the heyday of the Soviet empire. (He lamented its demise as “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the 20th century.) Russia sees itself as a victim of the existing international order. By contrast China is the largest beneficiary of the rules and regulations of global commerce and finance made by the West after the second world war. China has a huge stake in safeguarding the existing international order. This is why, despite ideological differences and even tensions sometimes, China has at least maintained robust economic ties with the West. Neither side wishes to sever them.”
摘抄自: Senior Colonel Zhou Bo says the war in Ukraine will accelerate the geopolitical shift from West to East
May 10, 2022 at 03:13PM
摘抄自: Senior Colonel Zhou Bo says the war in Ukraine will accelerate the geopolitical shift from West to East
May 10, 2022 at 03:13PM
““A risk is being assumed based on a belief that, if a war were to occur, we would be able to ramp up production,” says Mr Martin. “That’s a bad assumption.””
摘抄自: Because of Ukraine, America’s arsenal of democracy is depleting
May 10, 2022 at 03:29PM
摘抄自: Because of Ukraine, America’s arsenal of democracy is depleting
May 10, 2022 at 03:29PM
Nina Wang: Bringing Accountability Into Focus Nina Wang has more than a decae of experience in financial reporting and analysis, financial statement audits, and internal controls.
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