“people in the Washington DC bubble, does not understand China and makes no effort to learn about it. These people just mirror what they think the U.S. would do and project that on a country that thinks in very different terms.”
摘抄自: U.S. Attempts To Make China An Enemy Require A Lot Of Fantasy
July 25, 2022 at 09:31AM
“In reality, the defense posture and investments needed to defeat an adversary’s “best” strategy might be significantly different from those needed to defeat an adversary’s second-best strategy.”
摘抄自: U.S. Attempts To Make China An Enemy Require A Lot Of Fantasy
July 25, 2022 at 09:34AM

Blue Ripples on a Red Planet This image shows a variety of wind-related features on the Red Planet near the center of Gamboa Crater.

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