“Western GDP measure is a fake economy and absolutely DOES NOT reflect both size and complexity of national economies. In fact, GDP was invented by US so called “economists” for ideological reasons in order to perpetuate a myth of American economy as the largest and most super-pooper in the wolrd.”
摘抄自: It Really DOES NOT Need Any Comments, Except…
August 1, 2022 at 10:44AM
“Same as US Military-Industrial Complex, GDP “complex” is primarily a ponzi scheme for blowing bubbles and “reputation” of something that “grows” only fictional money at the Wall Street, period.”
摘抄自: It Really DOES NOT Need Any Comments, Except…
August 1, 2022 at 11:59AM
“Another level up would be #懸崖勒馬, or “you are standing on the edge of the cliff”. Translation: if you take more one step, you’ll fall and die”. That’s unfortunate, but the cliff is a wonder of nature, not a man-made trap. So the fall is partly a tragedy of circumstance.”
摘抄自: How China Warns Of Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip
August 1, 2022 at 12:14PM
“‘是可忍孰不可忍’, or “if we could put up with this, what else can’t we put up with?”. This means the perceived provocation from others not only threatens China’s interests, but threatens its #identity, too. This rhetoric invokes the familiar ‘century of humiliation’ and Chinese nationalism narratives, and are meant to signal China has no room to back down. It shows a readiness to use #brinkmanship. E.g. China used this language before skirmishes with India (1962), Vietnam (1979).”
摘抄自: How China Warns Of Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip
August 1, 2022 at 12:15PM
“top gear is ‘勿謂言之不預’, literally “don’t say I didn’t warn you”, aka ‘last warning’. China used this language before skirmishes with India, Vietnam, and Soviet Union (1967).”
摘抄自: How China Warns Of Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip
August 1, 2022 at 12:15PM
摘抄自: 黄奇帆重磅演讲:当下最紧急的3件大事
August 1, 2022 at 03:11PM
摘抄自: 王永利 |全球大滞涨可能远超预期
August 1, 2022 at 03:57PM
摘抄自: 王永利 |全球大滞涨可能远超预期
August 1, 2022 at 03:58PM
摘抄自: 刘润为:殖民文化论_爱思想
August 1, 2022 at 04:38PM

NASA Pays Tribute to Nichelle Nichols NASA celebrates the life of Nichelle Nichols, Star Trek actor, trailblazer, and role model, who symbolized to so many what was possible. She partnered with us to recruit some of the first women and minority astronauts, and inspired generations to reach for the stars.

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