Moon Mosaic This Moon-mosaic is comprised of 1,231 images taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s (LRO) Narrow-Angle Camera (NAC) in the summer of 2018.

“Stupid wars often happen as a result of a tit-for-tat escalation process in which responding to even small actions of an adversary is more important than being perceived as weak, especially when those on both sides don’t really understand the motivations of those on the other side. History shows us that this is especially a problem for declining empires, which tend to fight more than is logical because any retreat is seen as a defeat.”
摘抄自: The US-China Tit-For-Tat Escalations Are Very Dangerous | LinkedIn
August 9, 2022 at 09:43AM
“That dynamic of upping the ante to avoid looking like one is backing down has throughout history been shown to be a very dangerous dynamic.”
摘抄自: The US-China Tit-For-Tat Escalations Are Very Dangerous | LinkedIn
August 9, 2022 at 09:50AM
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